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Pigeon Script

There is a well written and funny script on a worst case scenerio of a fictitious character in a short novel 'Pigeon' written by Patrick Suskind.

It was interesting because the man on the novel has contamination fear and some kind of simple phobia arisen from a pigeon, also has social fears and experiencing some panic feelings when he was having conversation with strangers.

On the novel, this man saw a piegon and its feces in front of the door of his room-flat and felt extreme fear. He ruminated on all day long about how he could go to work and come back to his room again. He has felt extreme anxiety about thoughts that his life will be ruined by these circumstances.

Here a script about his feared consequence written by the author...

... You misses Monsieur Roedel's limousine came flashing through his mind again.( He forgets some of his duties because of his anxiety when working on the Bank). Something that had never happened before and that never ought to have happened, happened today nonetheless; you missed the limousine, and tomorrow perhaps you will miss work entirely, or lose the key to the steel gate, and next month you will be ignominiously fired, and you won't find a new job, because who would hire a failure? No one can live on unemployment cheques, by then you will have long since you lost your room- there's a pigeon living in it, a family of pigeons lives there, fouling and ravaging your room -the hotel bills grow to incalculate sums, in your worry you start drinking, more and more, drink away every cents you have saved, became a slave to booze with no way out, get sick, ridden by decay, lice, depravity, are driven out of your final doss-house, you haven't a sou left, you stand before total ruin, out on the street, you sleep, you live in the street, you shit in the street, you're at the end your tether, within a year you will be at the end, like that beggar in his rags on the park bench, you will be lying there, his brother in degradation...

I found that script interesting.

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